JavaScript fundamentals

Albi Ummid
3 min readMay 5, 2021

Hello everyone! I am sharing my little knowledge about JavaScript fundamental of Number, String, and Array properties.


Number() is a function that allows us to convert a value to a number.


2. ParseInt()

ParseInt() is a function that is used for converting a float value to an integer. It also can take a number value in string format and convert it to an integer.


3. charAt()

charAt() is a method to get a specific character (alphabet) of a sentence by giving its position (number -1);


concat() is a method to create a new string by adding two string value.



indexOf() is a method to search the existence of a value in a string. If existed then return the position number of that letter of the first letter of the word. Else it returns a negative value. a negative value means that value doesn’t exist in the selected string value.


6. toUppercase, toLowercase :

toUppercase() is a method to transform a string’s letter to the upper case. In the same way, toLowercase() transform to lower case all letters of a string.

7. push, pop, shift, unshift:

i. push is a method of inserting an element in the last element position of an array.

ii. pop is a method of removing an element from the last element position of an array

iii. the shift is a method of removing an element from the first element position of an array.

iv. unshift is a method of inserting an element in the first element position of an array.



slice is a method of getting a part of an array.



find() is a method to find the first matched value from an array by giving any condition.



filter() is a method of getting all matched elements from an array by giving condition;




Albi Ummid

A self motivated JavaScript developer